- Operation of all technical installations in a single solution
- Optimisation of operations and energy consumption
- Reduced costs through proactive maintenance
Envo Portfolio Manager and Envo Management System collect data from the different technical installations in the building, regardless of the subsystem supplier and allow for the building to be automated as needed.
The solutions make it easy to generate final reports and include functions for simple monitoring of energy consumption and operations using nonconformity logs.

All buildings have the potential to become smart and green
An increasing number of tenants are demanding buildings with a clear environmental profile. This is because they are aware of their own environmental profile and because of constantly rising electricity costs. Building owners with energy-wasting buildings with weak environmental profiles are not very attractive.
Fortunately, all buildings can become smart and green - regardless of whether you are renovating or constructing a newbuild. Smart buildings are characterised by excellent solutions for the technical installations in the building and optimisation of operations.
Envo’s solutions provide building owners with complete control of their own buildings, thanks to better insight into the building’s energy consumption and necessary measures. This results in sustainable and more attractive buildings.

Use and integration
The system can be used in different ways for commercial buildings:
As a combined operations system for the technical operation of local installations (Industrial Control System), integrating the following subsystems
- Ventilation units
- Lighting control
- Street heating control
- Heating curtains
- Indoor climate sensors
- Pumps and actuators
- Other technical systems and components in the building
As an energy monitoring system (EOS system), integrating the following subsystems
- Electricity meters, main and sub meters
- Energy meters, district heating and more if required.
- Water consumption

Envo Portfolio Manager

Envo Management System